English for Writing Research Papers

English for Writing Research Papers - ASMA

English for Writing Research Papers


This 40-hour English course is aimed for those who need to publish their work in international academic journals. It targets:

  • MA students
  • PhD students
  • Postdoctoral students
  • Researchers
  • Academic staff (lecturers, assistant professors, full professors)

Whatever your discipline is, this course helps you to develop and improve your academic writing skills, including:

  • Structuring sentences
  • Developing paragraphs
  • Being concise and avoiding redundancy
  • Avoiding ambiguity, repetition, and vague language
  • Distinguishing between your work and others’ work
  • Highlighting the findings of your research
  • Discussing the limitations of your research
  • Hedging and criticizing
  • Paraphrasing and avoiding plagiarism
  • Writing the abstract
  • Organizing the introduction of your research paper
  • Organizing the literature review section
  • Organizing the methods section
  • Organizing the results section
  • Organizing the discussion section
  • Organizing the conclusion
  • Writing the acknowledgements


Course format Price
40 hours 400 TND


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