English for Presentations at International Conferences

English for Presentations at International Conferences - ASMA


English for Presentations at International Conferences


This 36-hour English course is intended for researchers of all disciplines who want to present the results of their research at international conferences. It targets both those who have never done presentations before and those whose English is already good but who want to improve their presentation skills.


The course will help you to

  • overcome problems with nerves and embarrassment
  • prepare and practice a well-organized, interesting presentation
  • highlight the essential points you want the audience to remember
  • avoid problems in English by using short easy-to-say sentences
  • attract and retain audience attention
  • decide what to say at each stage of the presentation
  • improve your pronunciation
  • learn useful phrases
  • deal with questions from the audience
  • gain confidence and give a memorable presentation


Course format Price
40 hours 400 TND